Monthly Archives: November 2008

Seattle cloth diapers are hiding right here

It’s been a long and eventful year, but it has all been worth it because we can now say that Punkernoodle Baby has the largest selection of Seattle cloth diapers. This is THE resource in our fair green city for parents and parents-to-be to see more styles and types of cloth diapers and to learn why and how to cloth diaper their babies! 

We have met so many parents this past year looking for a place in Seattle where they could see, touch and learn about modern cloth diapers – and who could blame them? The Internet is amazing, but when it comes to making such an important choice for your baby, it makes sense that you would want to see what you’re buying before taking the plunge. And as often as we tell parents how EASY it is to cloth diaper their babies, for a beginner the world of cloth diapering can be confusing and a little overwhelming. What works for one baby might not work for the next. For one family, wool longies might be the only nighttime solution, for another hemp prefolds are the best choice. The small handful of great baby-supply stores in Seattle that offer 2-3 types of cloth diapers simply don’t have the expertise or variety that parents need when weighing factors like budget, lifestyle, and eco priorities in order to chose their diapering system.

We are thrilled that, less than a year from building up as a mom-and-pop shop, we now offer Seattle and Seattle-area parents dozens of types of pocket diapers, one-size diapers, prefolds, All-in-Ones, fitted diapers, diapers wraps and covers, and a variety of wool, bamboo, hemp and organic products. We have popular brands as well as emerging boutique lines, and everything is in stock in our Ballard showroom. And because cloth diapering brings with it important decisions and questions, we have the experience of diapering our own children plus a ton of the most up-to-the-minute industry information to be able to inform parents and walk parents through any issues they might have.

Time and again parents have come into the shop, looked at our shelves lined with a rainbow of diapers – snaps, velcro, organic bamboo velour, waterproof cow prints and simple Indian cotton, and marveled at the fact that we are here. Tucked away, a secret to many. And we know – we wish everyone in Seattle and beyond knew about our existence, and we hope one day they will. For now, word-of-mouth and loyal diapering mamas and papas are helping us grow slowly but surely. Organically – which is perfect, really, since that single word embodies what we wanted to achieve when we decided to open a diaper shop: A resource for parents hoping to do something good for their babies and for the planet, a business that will contribute a vibrant and uber-local business community, a place that celebrates the natural and simple beauty of growing children.

We hope soon to be a full online shop where parents around the country can find us. But we will always be focused on our grassroots diapering and green parenting community. So email us (, visit us ( and please spread the word that we are here, sitting on a pile of Seattle cloth diapers that we love to show off!


– Natalie and Lukas

Yes We Can


“Barack Obama!”
“Barack Obama!”
“Barack Obama!”

That’s what you would have heard at our house on this historic day, and not from me or Natalie.

That’s what Punkernoodle No. 1 could be heard shouting to anyone who would listen. Meanwhile, trying to do her part, 1-year-old Punkernoodle No. 2, slightly confused and perhaps remembering her special little friend from daycare, tagged along chanting “Rocco! Rocco! Rocco!”

Voting today was a special moment at our house. I took Punkernoodle No. 1 with me to the voting both. She got to scribble on the voting pamphlet, distract a younger kid whose mom was trying vote near me, get a ballon from a friendly election volunteer, and help me feed my paper ballot marked for Barack Obama into the machine.

I told her to remember this day forever, and even though she’s just 3, I think she will. I also told her to remember that was when her dad still had hair.

Tonight we had our own little election party at home. We started with NPR through dinner, then watched TV, then streamed coverage over the Internet into the bathroom during the bubble bath. I will always remember that the kids were sudsy and playing “bathtub hairdresser” when Obama was declared President of the United States.

After changing into their jammies, they plopped down with us for more TV, including the acceptance speech. As Obama spoke about his own two daughters growing up in a country where anything was possible, I thought about my two girls. When he started speaking, they were strangely quiet. Maybe it was because it was long past their bedtime, or maybe they heard something in that voice. Punkernoodle 2 gazed up at the screen with wide eyes. Punkernoodle 1 kept whispering her chant.

I wondered – if their parents’ generation could do this, what will they be able to do one day?

– Lukas