About Us

The Punkernoodle Blog is the brainchild of Natalie and Lukas, writers by trade and parents to two real children, ages 5 and 7, who try every day to fool us, beat us, trick us, delight us and amaze us. We are unapologetic Seattleites: Don’t ask us if we hate the rain (no), wear fleece (occasionally but really trying to keep it to a dull roar) and drink a lot of coffee (really? Are you really asking?). Our outlook on life, and our take on parenting, is inextricably linked to our sweet spot of Northwest paradise. We want our litttle smartypants to grow into unique, non-judgmental grownups who care about their planet and the footprint we leave on it. And oh yeah, the adults here would like to live through that childrearing process and still be able to say we like each other.

Our blog began as a place to pimp our side project – a cloth diaper and conscious fiber store called Punkernoodle Baby. It then grew into a depository for our musings on parenting, green living, Northwest culture, keeping our marriage afloat while crazed hoodlums nip our heels, and anything else that strikes our fancy. It’s also a place to explore the continuing search for our “tribe” – the people and places where we belong, a like-minded community in which to tend our seeds and watch them grow. Mostly we (usually Natalie, and sometimes Lukas when the urge strikes) just write about raising our girls in a fast-spinning world and trying to slow down long enough to enjoy it. In their alternate lives, Lukas works for a very large NW company involved in technology, let’s call it Company X, and Natalie is the proud and sassy web editor of www.parentmap.com – a fun and smart family magazine.

Read our blog, link our blog, and if you have some rear ends to cover, visit us at www.punkernoodlebaby.com for some sweet diapers and a serving of eco-consciousness. Cheers.

3 responses to “About Us

  1. Listening to my kids chat and laugh in the other room, surfing “Waldorf” for no good reason… other than perhaps,”Am I listed” and found your site… reading, reading and then your Waldorf experience… you need to come by my school!
    I just had an Open House tonight, and it could have been specifically catered for you, ie what you wrote I spoke.
    I agree with your feelings and over the 20+ years of teaching have my own (2) schools, which I believe you might just like… or better yet, love.

    Feel free to call or come to our next Open House, Tuesday, Dec. 9th…

    I love your writing, it is so uplifting and sweet, and honest.


  2. Are you still collecting cloth diapers? Our youngest is nearly potty trained and we are ready to pass on cloth diapers to anyone who will use them.

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